Courses at the ALC
Courses at the ALC
Below are a few new and exciting changes that will be implemented during the 2023-2024 school year at the ALC.

ALC Master Schedule
ALC Course Descriptions
DC Comp I-- This course stresses the fundamentals of analysis and argument. In response to assigned readings and class discussions, students write multiple drafts of four essays. Students will employ multiple sources and documents when writing essays. The sources will be documented with MLA style. In addition, students write a reflective essay as part of the final. (5.0)
DC Comp II--Students will gain experience and increased confidence with writing, especially within the genres aimed at academic audiences, using the appropriate voice, tone, style, structure, and format to address the need of those audiences. This course will emphasize research and critical thinking, using writing and reading as a means to learn, to inquire, to think, and to communicate. Students will utilize multiple sources and document those sources with APA style. Revisions, editing, proofreading, interaction with peers, and writing multiple drafts will be emphasized. (5.0)
DC US History I 2213--is the Early U.S. History course that will be taken AFTER students take HIS 2223. It covers our country’s history pre-1877. This course will help bridge the instructional gap to prepare students for AP Government. (5.0)
DC US History II 2223-- is the Modern U.S. History course that is required by the Mississippi Department of Education. It covers our country’s history from 1877 to the Present. It must be taken during the Junior year, and it includes an End-of-Course (EOC) assessment required for graduation. (5.0)
AP Macroeconomics – An advanced history course that explores the principles of economics that apply to an economic system as a whole. Graphs, charts, and data are analyzed to describe and explain economic concepts to prepare students for an optional End-of-Course exam. This is a rigorous 9-week course that is taken in conjunction with the 9-week AP US Government and Politics course. It is imperative that students have solid time-management skills and self-discipline to successfully complete this course. (2.5)
AP US Government & Politics– An advanced history course that studies the key concepts and Institutions of the US political system. The US Constitution and other documents are analyzed and discussed in great depth. This course includes an optional End-of-Course exam. This rigorous 9-week course is taken in conjunction with the 9-week AP Macroeconomics course. Students must have solid time-management
skills and self-discipline to successfully complete this course. (2.5)
Algebra III--Topics of study include sequences and series, functions, and higher-order polynomials. Topics are addressed from a numeric, graphical, and analytical perspective. Technology is to be used to enhance presentation and understanding of concepts. Communication skills such as reading, writing, speaking, & critical listening are required as students present and evaluate mathematical arguments, proofs, and explanations about their reasoning. (4.5)
AP Statistics--An advanced non-calculus based course that explores the major concepts and tools used for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Most college majors require this math course as an option for college completion. There is an optional End-of-Course exam. Successful completion of Algebra II is recommended prior to taking this course. (5.0)
DC College Algebra--This course includes a study of inequalities, functions, linear and quadratic equations, circles and their graphs, applications, polynomials and rational functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, and systems of equations. (5.0)
DC Trigonometry-- (5.0)
AP Chemistry--An advanced laboratory-based science course designed for students who have an interest in a chemistry-related science major in college. This course prepares students for the optional End-of-Course AP Chemistry Exam and for further college science study. It is a very rigorous course that requires good time-management skills and self-discipline. It is highly recommended that students take and successfully complete Chemistry with a minimum of a C average before enrolling in AP Chemistry and also complete Algebra II. Statistically, students that take AP Chemistry immediately after Chemistry perform better in AP Chemistry. (5.0)
Chemistry. Chemistry is a laboratory-based course that involves the study of matter and the chemical changes that occur in matter. A solid math background is necessary because statements made in chemistry are in the form of numerical expressions. Students who select Chemistry should be aware that it will be a challenge. (4.0)
Physics--This course is a laboratory-based course that involves the study of physical occurrences in nature. A strong math background is needed for this course as it is primarily an equation-based, problem-solving course. (4.5)
AP Environmental Science--An advanced science course designed for students who do not need a STEM-based course for their major in college. This rigorous course explores and investigates the interrelationships of the natural world and analyzes environmental problems, both natural and human-made, and includes an optional End-of-Course exam. Laboratory investigations and fieldwork is required. Successful completion of a life science, a physical science, AND Algebra I is required. (5.0)
Spanish I--Emphasizes basic conversational skills, basic grammar, and vocabulary of the Spanish language as well as learning cultural characteristics among Spanish-speaking countries. Simple creative writing skills will be developed. (4.0)
Spanish II--emphasizes grammar and further conversational and writing skills. Reading comprehension is a vital part of this course. The culture of the Spanish-speaking world is presented in written and spoken Spanish. A "C" or above average in Spanish I is HIGHLY recommended. (4.0)
AP Spanish--An advanced world language and culture study of the Spanish language skills. Students are immersed in a 100% Spanish communication environment that studies real-life materials such as newspaper articles, films, music, and books. There is an optional End-of-Course exam. Students are required to complete Spanish I, Spanish II, and must obtain a letter of recommendation from the Spanish instructor prior to enrolling in the course. (5.0)
Visual Arts
Art I--This is a comprehensive program teaching students the basic concepts of visual arts. It employs the students' capacity to take skills in working with line, shape, form, space, color, value, and texture then applying learned skills in creating original solutions. Non-verbal reasoning and the ability to problem-solve are paramount. (4.0)
DC Art Appreciation-- A general introduction to the visual arts designed to create an appreciation of the vocabulary, media, techniques, and purposes of the creative process. Students will critically interpret and evaluate works of art within formal, cultural, and historical contexts. (5.0)
Career and Technical
Culinary Arts I--The vocational course will cover the fundamental principles of Culinary I through basic cooking methods and food preparation, safety and sanitation, food storage, units of measurements, and knife skills. Students develop basic skills and knowledge of institutional cooking within a classroom and laboratory setting. Students will learn various cooking techniques and will be asked to demonstrate their understanding through menu selection, preparation for local fundraisers or community collaborations. (4.0)
Culinary Arts II--second-year students will utilize the foundation of Culinary I as basic building blocks for advancing and fine-tuning their scope of knowledge and skills. (4.0)
Advanced Placement Classes
at the ALC
AP® enables students to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. Through more than 30 courses, each culminating in a rigorous exam, AP provides willing and academically prepared students with the opportunity to earn college credit and/or advanced placement.

These are summaries of the AP Course that are currently offered at the ALC. If you are considering taking an AP class please click on the page to open it in a separate window to view. Included are summaries, prerequisites, college course equivalents, exam overviews, and courses at a glance. This information will give you a better understanding of the course and the challenges it entails.

AP Class Requirement
DC Class Requirement